Tuesday, July 5, 2011

June Article

Time Flies

First of all, I would like to apologize for not writing in so long. Life in Germany has been crazy and amazing, I don’t even know the words to describe these past few months. My exchange year is flying by, and that really scares me. I miss my friends and family, but at the same time I know I will miss my friends and family here too. I’ve been making plans for college and setting up dates to see people when I return, but it really hasn’t set in yet. I am at the point in my year that it would be far easier for me to write this article in German rather than Englisch. Since so much has passed, I will break it up into paragraphs.

From April 7th to April 29th I went on a Europe Tour with three other Rotary Districts from across the country. We started our tour out in Prague in the Czech Republik, then drove through Slovakia to Budapest, Hungary, went over to Vienna, Austria, then down to Padua, Venice, Florence, and Pisa in Italy. We continued our tour through Monaco, then to Nice and Avingnon in France, drove over to Geneva, Switzerland, then back to Paris, France, and finally through Belgium on our way back to Duisburg, Germany. I would tell you about each and every city, but that would probably take up the entire newspaper! My two favorite cities were Prague and Venice. Prague was very exciting for me because it feels so... European! The view was amazing, the people were nice, and the food was completely different from that in my area of Germany. It was also really great to be able to buy some Kofola- an amazingly delicious soda sold only in the Czech Republik and Slovakia, which my sister had brought home last year after her exchange year in Slovakia. Venice was also incredibly different from Germany. I heard from several different people that Venice literally stinks, but I didn’t notice that at all. Seeing Gondolas, eating pizza and spaghetti, buying ice cream and sitting on bridges and talking with my friends- that is what Venice consisted of for me. Of course we had a tour of the city, but the time that I was able to spend with other exchange students during our free time really made this an amazing trip for me.

About a month after Europe Tour, I went to London with 5 other Exchange Students. This trip was also incredible, we planned it all ourselves and were able to go without Rotary Supervision. I am also proud to say that everything went rather flawless aside from the horrible weather! It rained the entire first few days, but we didn’t let that stop us. We all bought Union Jack umbrellas and kept going! My favorite part in London was the London Zoo. As an animal lover, any zoo is exciting, but this one was simply outstanding. There is a Rainforest Life Exhibit where there are monkeys and exotic birds literally all around you with no barrier, it was incredible.

I’ve also been really getting into the German culture as well as spending time with other exchange students. There are always dances, parties, movie dates, soccer games, and more going on. I sat down yesterday with my Host Dad and planned out my calander, which I hadn’t realized was completely full between Rotary Events, spending time with friends, and goodbye parties for my fellow exchange students. I will be here until August Third, and will only have one or two weekends free from now until then! It is crazy and fun, and I’m simply not ready to give up this amazing German lifestyle! I will be sure to write an article for next month!

Also, CONGRATULATIONS to the Cooperstown Central School class of 2011! I can’t believe you are all graduating! I would also like to give a special shout out to one of my best friends, Molly Pearlman, and to congratulate her on a successful senior year! Live it up Cooperstownians! :)

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